Primate Conservation Action Plans

All IUCN SSC Specialist Groups develop conservation strategies for particular species or groups of species. These Action Plans assess the current situation of species throughout their habitats, and – most importantly – lay out the steps needed for their protection. One of the strengths of such Action Plans is that they combine overviews of the species with clear delineations of conservation priorities. The Primate Specialist Group has published the following conservation action plans:

Lemurs of Madagascar supplementary info: Proposed budgets for projects 2013–2016
Red Colobus Conservation Action Plan supplementary information:


Great Ape Conservation Action Plans (in chronological order)

All great ape conservation action plans produced by the PSG and partners are available to download using the links below. Concise regional action plans have been produced for western chimpanzees, Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees and Cross River gorillas. 


PSG & CI Regional Action Plan for West African Chimpanzees (2003)

IUCN West African Chimpanzees: Status Survey and Action Plan (2003)

PSG & CI Regional Action Plan for Chimpanzees and Gorillas in Western Equatorial Africa (2005)

PSG & WCS Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Cross River Gorilla (2007)

IUCN Eastern Chimpanzee: Status Survey and Action Plan 2010–2020 (2010)

PSG & ZSSD Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee (2011)

IUCN Bonobo Conservation Strategy (2012)

IUCN Grauer's Gorillas and Eastern Chimpanzees in DRC (2012)

PSG & WCS Revised Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Cross River Gorilla (2014)

IUCN Regional Action Plan for Western Lowland Gorillas and Central Chimpanzees 2015–2025 (2014)

IUCN Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of Western Chimpanzees 2020–2030 (2020)

FRENCH PDFs / fichier PDF en français

PSG & CI Plan d'Action Régional des Chimpanzés en Afrique de l'Ouest (2003)

UICN Chimpanzés d'Afrique de l'Ouest: Plan d'Action (2004)

PSG & CI Plan d'Action Régional des Chimpanzés et des Gorilles en Afrique Centrale (2005)

UICN Chimpanzé de Schweinfurth : État de conservation de l’espèce et plan d’action 2010–2020 (2011)

PSG & ZSSD Plan d’action régional pour la conservation du chimpanzé du Nigeria-Cameroun (2011)

UICN & ICCN Bonobo Stratégie de Conservation (2012)

UICN Gorille de Grauer et Chimpanzé à l'est de la RDC (2012)

UICN Plan d’action pour la conservation des gorilles de plaine de l’Ouest et des chimpanzés 2015–2025 (2014)

UICN Plan d'action régional pour la conservation des chimpanzés d'Afrique de l'Ouest 2020–2030 (2020)


Additional documents and webpages related to great ape action plans

In 2008, the impact of the 2003 western chimpanzee action plan was assessed by Rebecca Kormos. Her report can be downloaded here.

Information additional to the 2011 Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee action plan is available here, with population size estimates here.

Additional information relating to the 2012 bonobo conservation strategy is available here.

Information from a 2013 workshop in Brazzaville to prepare the 2014 action plan for great apes in Western Equatorial Africa is available here.

A website dedicated to the 2020 western chimpanzee action plan


GREAT APE ACTION PLANS & PHVAs published by other organizations

Bonobo Action Plan (1995) Bonobo Action Plan Figures

Uganda Chimpanzee PHVA (1997)

Mountain Gorilla PHVA (1998)

Orangutan Action Plan (1999)

Uganda Chimpanzee Action Plan 2003–2008 (2003)

Orangutan PHVA (2004)

WWF Orangutan Action Plan (2005)

Sumatran Orangutan Action Plan (2006)

Indonesian Orangutan Action Plan 2007–2017 (2009)

Sabah Orangutan Action Plan 2012–2016 (2011)

WWF African Great Apes Action Plan 2011–2017 (2011)

Tanzania Chimpanzee Action Plan Workshop Report (2011)

Sierra Leone Chimpanzee PHVA (2012)

Tanzania Chimpanzee Action Plan for Gombe-Mahale Ecosystem (2015)

Tanzania Chimpanzee Action Plan 2018–2023 (2018)

Sabah Orangutan Action Plan 2020–2029 (2020)

Guinea Chimpanzee Action Plan 2020–2030 (2020)


To request a paper copy of an action plan published by the PSG, please contact Jill Lucena at